Many mining projects are in remote locations have the need for both road and rail to move your product to the port is a reality. This was the situation in Peru for the Las Bambas project:
The loaded ISG copper containers from the mine site (Pit) to the rail head over 400 klms away.
At the rail head, a transfer station has been completed so the copper containers are taken off the trucks and onto the Peru railways train.
By using the rail for the remaining 500 kms the main high way, that is congested by other mining trucks, is freed up for the many tourists that visit the region.
The train then rails the ISG copper containers to the port of Matarani for loading into the awaiting bulk ship.
The whole logistic process is over 900 klms away from the pit to ship. The attached video shows the transfer process for one of the largest copper mines in the world. So if you have a long haul in front of you call the experts and we can show you how it’s done, remember this system can be used in bulk ports and container ports, so your long haul may not be that long after all.