Congo Project

Late in 2012 Exxaro mining in South Africa went to tender for 1,350 specialised bulk containers with lids for their Point Noir iron ore project in the Congo.
The tender process lasted 2 months and after a culling process ISG was the successful company to win the tender.
ISG had designed a 40 ton payload container with their patented lid lifter design . This enabled the product to be delivered dust free and in the wet season excessive water was not left sitting in the containers.
The containers are loaded at the mine site and railed to the port. At the port the containers are stored awaiting the bulk ship to arrive for loading. When the ship arrives the containers are delivered around onto the wharf and picked up using a land based crane and the RAM revolver tippler. The lids are lifted of inside the ship’s hull by the RAM revolver and after the product has been tipped the lids are replaced.
The containers are then loaded back onto the train and taken back through the jungle to the mine site.
Special features designed for this task where the 40 ton payload. The ISG engineering team worked exceptionally hard to deliver a safe and efficient bulk container design for this mining task. Most bulk mining containers have a payload of 32tons.
The containers where delivered 6 weeks ahead of schedule in early 2013 and the feedback from EXXARO was that they were very happy with the service provided by the ISG team.